It is the surgical removal of reproductive organs of male and female dogs thus ceasing their reproductive capacity. It also helps them to live a long and healthy life by reducing risks of tumors and other problems


              We are all aware of the massive surge in the population of the feral dogs in India which has led to the emergence of the following problems:

          • FIGHTS OVER FOOD

              Shortage of food often leads to the dogs engaging in ferocious fights amongst themselves and in some instances humans getting accidently bitten end up as victims in the act.


              Presence of newly born pups often induces the maternal instinct in the parent sometimes making them aggressive towards people who knowingly or unknowingly get very close to her pups. The new generation of small children who are extremely fond of animals often end up getting bitten when they try to play with the pups.

          • MATING

              Male dogs who have a desire for mating often turn aggressive to compete for a female mate during the reproduction season and may end up accidently biting people.

          • RABIES

              A fatal disease sometimes present in dogs which can be transmitted to humans via bites.


              The above mentioned problems often end up in dog-human conflicts subjecting dogs to abuse involving culling, beating and relocation.


              Sterilization has proven to be an effective, scientific and humane approach to control the feral dog population. It deals with the surgical procedure of removing the reproductive organs of the male and female dogs making them incapable of mating and further breeding.

              This proves to be effective in reducing their fights, accidental bites and preventing the birth of new litters. Sterilizing just one female dog halts the birth of hundreds of pups. Considering these aspects, it is necessary to conduct animal birth control surgeries on a large scale. Dogs undergoing this procedure are vaccinated against rabies, thus ensuring that they get protected against the disease and prevent the risk of transmission to humans.


              It is important to understand that sterilization is a gradual process and a sudden change cannot be expected.

              Surgeries are carried out by the Municipal corporation and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) with the help of keen and enthusiastic animal welfare volunteers. Unsterilized dogs are identified by municipal catchers and volunteers and they further assist in their captures and moving them to the sterilization centers. Sterilized dogs can be easily identified by a V- shaped notch on one of the ears. Considering the enormity of the problem, active participation of citizens in identifying unsterilized dogs in their local areas and reporting it to the concerned volunteers or municipal authorities would be indeed very helpful and highly appreciated

              Volunteers will then deal with habituating the dogs by using means of food which will thus make the job of capturing the animal for the surgery a lot easier. People willing to participate in these activities are also encouraged to join and help the volunteers and government authorities.

              Post-sterilization, the dog will be released again in his native territory. This will help in keeping the population of that area in check. Relocation will not be done as dogs in the neighbouring areas being territorial by nature will often end up in fights with the relocated ones resulting in injuries to people and increasing the chances of human-dog conflict. Relocation is not the answer as vacant spaces in a territory are immediately occupied by new home-seeking unsterilized dogs which will only amplify the problem of reproduction resulting in new litters in that area. Sterilizing, vaccinating and release in their respective areas are thus the most feasible and effective solutions to control new births and reduce the human-dog conflicts in the future.


              Participation of citizens in awareness programmes will help spread the message of animal welfare and related activities to a larger section of the population. Donations to NGOs or area volunteers for sterilization drives will largely help in increasing the efficiency of the process and conduct it on a bigger platform.

              We further request the people not to pressurize the municipal catchers to pick up sterilized dogs, lactating mothers and pups under 6 months of age. Doing this will only worsen the ongoing situation. The dogs will be sterilized at the preferred time once the mother stops lactating and pups are over 6 months of age.

              Citizens are also requested not to stop the catchers from picking up unsterilized dogs. There have been several instances where people have interfered and objected the process by arguing with the catchers and have prevented them from executing the necessary captures.

              Lastly, it is important to understand that in the current-world scenario, we need to co-exist and live in harmony with the street animals in our surroundings. We believe that even these animals are entitled to live a happy and peaceful life and share the surroundings with us. Dogs, as many of you may know are known to be man's best friend and they display this carrying out their duty of protecting their as well our territory at night and thereby preventing problems like thefts.

              It is also necessary to show a feeling of empathy towards them. Every year, several dogs and cats become victims of road accidents either killing them or leaving them handicapped for life. Many die due to starvation due to limitation of food and water resources. In the view of this, we request all citizens to come forward, cooperate and extend their support in reporting unsterilized dogs in their areas on our website.

              Our sterilization coordinators will get in touch with you and try to help at the best of their ability.